Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust is a non-profit organization that was established in 1967 by Mr. Mahendra Mehta. It was set up in order to tackle the problems of poverty in Mumbai, especially amongst young children. From its humble origins as a family institution it has grown rapidly, and our projects have covered a wide range of activities located in both India and other developing countries. Ratna Nidhi strives to empower underserved children, youth, and the disabled community through relevant support services like education, clothes, books, food, and using innovative technology solutions in the area of disability.
Our current initiatives are targeted towards the physically challenged and underserved children in society and are as follows:  Disability Project  Education Scholarship for Children of Terror Victims  Food for Education  Garments Project  Mission Million Books Project  Computer Project  Vision For All  Medical Camp  COVID-19 Food Relief Ratna Nidhi has achieved the following milestones in serving underserved communities in India to date. We have:  Distributed over 2.5 lakh mobility equipment to disabled patients free of cost.  Donated over 11 lakh garments since 1992.  Served over 2.5 crore meals to underprivileged children in Mumbai since 1998.  Provided over 390 children whose parents were victims of terror attacks with educational scholarships. ABOUT RATNA NIDHI CHARITABLE TRUST  Donated over 9 lakh books to 4000 schools and colleges in India through the Mission Million Books Project.  Donated over 5000 spectacles in partnership with Essilor Vision Foundation  Organized a mega medical camp in Chandrapur, Maharashtra in December 2019 in partnership with ACC Trust which impacted 10,000 beneficiaries in the district.  Provided over 10 lakh khichdi meals to daily wage workers affected by COVID-19 in Mumbai THE PROBLEM According to a World Health Organization & World Bank report, around 15% of the world’s population lives with some kind of disability.
As per the Census of India (2011) 2.2% of India’s population suffers from some kind of disability, which includes Locomotors disability, Visual impairment, Hearing impairment, Speech problems, Learning Disability, Autism, and Multiple Disability. In such a scenario, it becomes imperative to ensure that they are as independent as possible. A holistic approach is to empower them rather than bestowing sympathy at them. OUR SOLUTION RNCT’s Mobility Project has been a pioneer in organizing mobility camps across India for close to fifteen years. We have a fully equipped Jaipur Foot and Calliper fitment center at Mahalaxmi, Mumbai which is manned by trained technicians and equipped with all the machinery required to fabricate Jaipur Foot or calipers within a matter of hours. Any disabled person is welcome here to give their measurements and avail appropriate customized appliances. We also distribute hearing aids with audiograms.
The Impact We have conquered great heights in mobility projects by distributing 2,47,532 appliances since 2001. One of our biggest camps was conducted at Palitana, Gujarat in 2009-10 which served close to 28,549 beneficiaries and was inaugurated by the then Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi, and was graced by the presence of Dalai Lama. We have recently been awarded the Google Impact Challenge Award for disability to emerge through breakthrough innovative ideas. We can only grow leaps and bounds with your support.
Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust

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Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust, is a registered charity that was established over 24 years ago by Mr Mahendra Mehta. It was set up in order to tackle the problems of poverty in Mumbai, especially amongst young children.
Committed to the Welfare of People from the Most Underprivileged Strata of Society. You Can Contribute to Any of Our Projects With Small Donations As Per Your Choice.